yarn add @konfy/vue-input-date
<vue-input-date label="Default date input:"/>
<vue-input-date label="With validator (>= today)" required clear-button format="m/d/y" :validator="(d) => new Date(d).setHours(0,0,0,0) >= new Date().setHours(0,0,0,0)"/>
<vue-input-date label="Timezone, Slots for year and hour, clear button" clear-button format="y/MM/d hh:ii a 5 z" hour12><span slot="year">📆</span><span slot="hour"> 🕰</span></vue-input-date>
<vue-input-date label="Russian Locale:" locale="ru-RU" format="y/MMM/d"/>
<vue-input-date label="Force timezone:" clear-button format="y/MM/d 20 hh:ii a 20 z" hour12 tz="Europe/Madrid" />
<vue-input-date label="12H clock:" format="hh:ii a" hour12 />
<vue-input-date label="With weekday:" format="y/MMM/d 📆 WWW"/>
<vue-input-date label="No initial input:" :date="null" />
property | type | default | comment |
name | String | name of the input (for serialization etc) | |
label | String | Input label | |
required | Boolean | is required | |
disabled | Boolean | is disabled | |
clearButton | Boolean | should include a clear button | |
tz | String | Force a specific timezone. You can use IANA time zone database for reference. E.g: Europe/London , America/New_York | |
locale | String | en-EN | For the general form and interpretation of the locale argument, see the MDN Intl page. |
hour12 | Boolean | false | Should use a 12 hour clock instead of 24. |
date | Date | Initial date | |
validator | Function | takes current input value (Date object) as an argument. Should return true or false | |
format | String | 'y/mm/d 20 hh:ii:ss’ | Format of date input. You can use date tokens to represent fields. Everything else will be interpreted as separators. if a separator is a number, it will mean spacing in pixels. For full list of date tokens see table below. |
placeholders | Object | See placeholders prop table | Text placeholders for each field. Key represents field name, value is a placeholder string. See placeholders prop table for available and default values. |
errors | Object | See errors prop table | Object of error strings. Keys: invalid , required , custom .See errors prop table for available and default values. |
prop - date tokenstoken | example value | comment |
y | 2019 | Year full |
yy | 19 | Year 2 digits |
m | 2 | Month number |
mm | 02 | Month 2 digits |
M | F | Month name, first letter |
MM | Feb | Month name abbreviated |
MMM | February | Month name full |
d | 3 | Day number |
dd | 03 | Day 2 digits |
W | M | Weekday name, first letter |
WW | Mon | Weekday name abbreviated |
WWW | Monday | Weekday name full |
h | 9 | Hour number |
hh | 09 | Hour 2 digits |
i | 5 | Minute number |
ii | 05 | Minute 2 digits |
s | 3 | Second number |
ss | 03 | Second 2 digits |
a | AM | Meridiem |
z | Europe/Paris | Timezone |
propkey | default |
day | 'Day' |
weekday | null |
month | 'Month' |
year | 'Year' |
hour | 'H' |
minute | 'm' |
second | 's' |
am | null |
timezone | null |
property | type | comment |
value | Date or null | Current date value |
valid | Boolean | Is valid |
selected | Boolean | Is input selected |
input | Object | Object of current input fields values |
property | type | comment |
tzOffset | Int | timezone offset relative to UTC |
method | args | comment |
dateAdd(key, val) | key:<String> val:<Number> | Add or subtract a number from date field Add 2 days: dateAdd('day', 2) Subtract 1 hour: dateAdd(‘hour’, -1) |
switchAM(v) | v: <Boolean> | Switch clock to A.M. (true ) or P.M.(false ) |
validate() | – | Validate |
clear() | – | Clear input value |
event | payload | comment |
change | value: Date | on value change |
input:focus | input name: String | on focus of one of the input fields |
input:blur | input name: String | on blur of one of the input fields |
selected | is selected: Boolean | whether the component is selected |
error | error type: String | on Error |
valid | is valid: Boolean | on Valid status changed |
--vue-input-error-color: red;
--vue-input-text-color: black;
--vue-input-select-color: blue;
--vue-input-blur-color: rgba(black, .8);
--vue-input-font-family: system-ui, sans-serif;
--vue-input-label-font-family: system-ui, sans-serif;
--vue-input-background-color: transparent;
--vue-input-hover-background-color: rgba(black, .05);
--vue-input-focus-background-color: rgba(black, .1);
--vue-input-border-color: rgba(black, .5);
--vue-input-border-color-active: var(--vue-input-select-color);
--vue-input-border-color-error: var(--vue-input-error-color);