

  • A versatile input with optional validation. vue-input can be of all standard html input types (text number date, etc.)
  • textarea type with autogrow by default.
  • all standard html input attributes are also valid with vue-input
  • validation on change or on blur
  • built-in validation for most common cases (email, length, equality), with possibility to pass custom regex validators


yarn add @konfy/vue-input


Standard text input with label, with placeholder, and with both. No validation.

<vue-input label="field label"/>
<vue-input placeholder="placeholder"/>
<vue-input placeholder="placeholder" label="field label"/>
<vue-input label="This field is required" required/>

Other input types:

<vue-input type="number" label="Number" />
<vue-input type="date" label="Date" />
<vue-input type="time" label="Time" />
<vue-input type="datetime-local" label="Date + Time" />
<vue-input type="month" label="Month" />
<vue-input type="week" label="Week" />
<vue-input type="email" label="Email" auto />
<vue-input type="search" label="Search" />
<vue-input type="tel" label="Telephone Nº" auto />
<vue-input type="url" label="URL" auto />
<vue-input type="color" label="Color" val="#ff0075" />

Autogrow textarea with counter and max 400 chars.

 | 0
<vue-input type="textarea" label="Textarea" :max="400" validate-on="change" required autogrow counter/>


name type default comment
val any Initial input value
type String text Type of input (see: supported input types ) + textarea
label String Floating label
placeholder String Input placeholder
name String Input name
required Boolean Is required
autocomplete String on Browser autocomplete feature
spellcheck Boolean Browser spellcheck feature
pattern String Regex pattern to validate field
disabled Boolean Is disabled
readonly Boolean Is readonly
autogrow Boolean Only for: type textarea – field will grow with text
minHeight String 2rem Minimum height of textarea (limits auto grow)
maxHeight String Maximum height of textarea (limits auto grow)
counter Boolean Character counter for textarea
validateOn String blur Validate on blur or change
equals String Value equals to another field (by ref). Should have the same parent.
min Number Minimum number of characters OR: minimum numeric value, if field type is number
max Number Maximum number of characters OR: maximum numeric value, if field type is number
validators Array Array of regex expressions to test the field value against
errorMin String Minimum number of characters: Text of error when min fails
errorMax String Max number of characters reached: Text of error when max fails
errorEquals String fields do not match Text of error when equals fails
errorCustom String Text of error when your custom regex validator fails


property comment
value Value of input
selected Boolean. Same as focus
valid Boolean. Is input valid
errorMessage String. Current error message
infoMessage String. Current info message
filled Boolean. Is input filled


method args comment
validate() Validate input


event payload comment
enter On keyup.enter
blur On input blured
change On input
validate is valid: Boolean Once validated

css variables

--vue-input-error-color: red;
--vue-input-text-color: black;
--vue-input-select-color: blue;
--vue-input-blur-color: rgba(black, .8);
--vue-input-font-family: system-ui, sans-serif;
--vue-input-label-font-family: system-ui, sans-serif;
--vue-input-border-color: rgba(black, .2);
--vue-input-border-color-active: var(--vue-input-select-color);
--vue-input-border-color-error: var(--vue-input-error-color);