
Konfy is a collection of "workhorse" Vue components – focused on common UI interaction tasks, rather than static layout elements. Each component is built with these principles in mind:

  • versatility - try to cover every common use scenario.
  • light markup – no needless garnish, renderless whenever it's a good idea. Some components are a just aa single tag. In the same time, all components adhere to common design patterns and are ready to use out of the box.
  • single responsibility – Decouple components that do not necessarily need to go together (like datepicker from input).
  • mobile ready – Every component should be equaly comfortable to use on desktop and mobile.


Customize CSS

Each component uses some css variables that set a theme for its appearance. You can redefine these variables globaly, or override them for a single instance:

body {
    --vue-input-error-color: yellow;
    --vue-input-text-color: #ccc;
    /* etc. */

You can also override component's inner markup styling directly using >>> selector:

.vue-input >>> input {
    /* Custom styling */


Following components are currently underway:

  • datepicker
  • number input
  • tabs
  • sortable list
  • carousel