

  • very versatile date input, supporting date and time
  • based on native javascript date features, no dependencies
  • works great in mobile
  • no date picker attached, but can easily work with one
  • customize order, appearance, and separators of every date element
  • slots available before every date element
  • locale
  • possible to force timezone
  • Use ← → to move between date elements, ↑ ↓ to increase or decrease
  • Auto-complete and auto-correct on typing
  • custom validation functions accepted


yarn add @konfy/vue-input-date
<vue-input-date label="Default date input:"/>
<vue-input-date label="With validator (>= today)" required clear-button format="m/d/y" :validator="(d) => new Date(d).setHours(0,0,0,0) >= new Date().setHours(0,0,0,0)"/>
<vue-input-date label="Timezone, Slots for year and hour, clear button" clear-button format="y/MM/d hh:ii a 5 z" hour12><span slot="year">📆</span><span slot="hour">   🕰</span></vue-input-date>
<vue-input-date label="Russian Locale:" locale="ru-RU" format="y/MMM/d"/>
<vue-input-date label="Force timezone:" clear-button format="y/MM/d 20 hh:ii a 20 z" hour12 tz="Europe/Madrid" />
<vue-input-date label="12H clock:" format="hh:ii a" hour12 />
<vue-input-date label="With weekday:" format="y/MMM/d  📆 WWW"/>
<vue-input-date label="No initial input:" :date="null" />


property type default comment
name String name of the input (for serialization etc)
label String Input label
required Boolean is required
disabled Boolean is disabled
clearButton Boolean should include a clear button
tz String Force a specific timezone. You can use IANA time zone database for reference. E.g: Europe/London, America/New_York
locale String en-EN For the general form and interpretation of the locale argument, see the MDN Intl page.
hour12 Boolean false Should use a 12 hour clock instead of 24.
date Date Initial date
validator Function takes current input value (Date object) as an argument. Should return true or false
format String 'y/mm/d 20 hh:ii:ss’ Format of date input. You can use date tokens to represent fields. Everything else will be interpreted as separators. if a separator is a number, it will mean spacing in pixels.
For full list of date tokens see table below.
placeholders Object See placeholders prop table Text placeholders for each field. Key represents field name, value is a placeholder string.
See placeholders prop table for available and default values.
errors Object See errors prop table Object of error strings. Keys: invalid, required, custom.
See errors prop table for available and default values.

format prop - date tokens

token example value comment
y 2019 Year full
yy 19 Year 2 digits
m 2 Month number
mm 02 Month 2 digits
M F Month name, first letter
MM Feb Month name abbreviated
MMM February Month name full
d 3 Day number
dd 03 Day 2 digits
W M Weekday name, first letter
WW Mon Weekday name abbreviated
WWW Monday Weekday name full
h 9 Hour number
hh 09 Hour 2 digits
i 5 Minute number
ii 05 Minute 2 digits
s 3 Second number
ss 03 Second 2 digits
a AM Meridiem
z Europe/Paris Timezone

placeholders prop

key default
day 'Day'
weekday null
month 'Month'
year 'Year'
hour 'H'
minute 'm'
second 's'
am null
timezone null


property type comment
value Date or null Current date value
valid Boolean Is valid
selected Boolean Is input selected
input Object Object of current input fields values


property type comment
tzOffset Int timezone offset relative to UTC


method args comment
dateAdd(key, val) key:<String>
Add or subtract a number from date field
Add 2 days: dateAdd('day', 2)
Subtract 1 hour: dateAdd(‘hour’, -1)
switchAM(v) v: <Boolean> Switch clock to A.M. (true) or P.M.(false)
validate() Validate
clear() Clear input value


event payload comment
change value: Date on value change
input:focus input name: String on focus of one of the input fields
input:blur input name: String on blur of one of the input fields
selected is selected: Boolean whether the component is selected
error error type: String on Error
valid is valid: Boolean on Valid status changed

css variables

 	--vue-input-error-color: red;
	--vue-input-text-color: black;
	--vue-input-select-color: blue;
	--vue-input-blur-color: rgba(black, .8);
	--vue-input-font-family: system-ui, sans-serif;
	--vue-input-label-font-family: system-ui, sans-serif;
	--vue-input-background-color: transparent;
	--vue-input-hover-background-color: rgba(black, .05);
	--vue-input-focus-background-color: rgba(black, .1);
	--vue-input-border-color:  rgba(black, .5);
	--vue-input-border-color-active: var(--vue-input-select-color);
	--vue-input-border-color-error: var(--vue-input-error-color);